adventures with the 'Rascals'

adventures with the 'Rascals'

Misadventures of 2 Airedales who have earned their nicknames.see: travels with Robbie and Rene Clicks on some pics will give you a better look !

Location: Canada

We're 5 yr old 'Dales, and we're really curious, about everything, luv car rides, luv draggin' the olde boy around, luv kids and other puppies. And we listen, eavesdrop, and we'll tell the good stuff to our buddies, HEH-HEH ! woof!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Rene: hey, were you looking at that pic of the dead beaver over the olde guys' shoulder ?
Robbie: ya, seems like the lady who writes that stuff is an artist,
Rene: she sounds kinda hard !


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