adventures with the 'Rascals'

adventures with the 'Rascals'

Misadventures of 2 Airedales who have earned their nicknames.see: travels with Robbie and Rene Clicks on some pics will give you a better look !

Location: Canada

We're 5 yr old 'Dales, and we're really curious, about everything, luv car rides, luv draggin' the olde boy around, luv kids and other puppies. And we listen, eavesdrop, and we'll tell the good stuff to our buddies, HEH-HEH ! woof!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Robbie: What gives with Count Iggie ? He says that Canadian troops should stay in "Poppie-Land". Our hero, Smilin' Bob says they should leave, even Joe Vulture agrees with ole Smilin' Bob.
Rene: He's speaking from the heart, just like our dear departed Uncle Pierre.
Robbie: Oh, great, didn't he give us the "War Measures Act".
Rene: Maybe this time Count Michael just wants to agree with Sourpuss Steve.
Robbie: So, does this mean I get to bite those silly people that bang on the front door telling us who to vote for............................................
Rene: We're not old enough to vote.
Robbie: really? Sammy the Schnauser is on the list


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